Saturday, November 14, 2009

Inupiaq Values

Every Inupiaq is responsible to all other Inupiat for the survival of our cultural spirit, and the values and traditions through which it survives. Through our extended family, we retain, teach and live our Inupiaq ways. Here are some of the Inupiat Values and the meanings:
Avoidance of Conflict- The Inupiaq way is to think positive, act positive, speak positive and live positive. Humility- Our hearts command we act on goodness and expect no reward in return. This is part of our cultural fiber. Spirituality- We know the power of prayer. We are spiritual people. Cooperation- Together we have an awesome power to accomplish anything. Compassion- Through the environment is harsh and cold, our ancestors learned to live with warmth, kindness, caring and compassion. Hunting Traditions- Reverence for the land, sea and animals is the foundation of our hunting traditions. Knowledge of Language- With our language we have an identity. It helps us to find out who we are in our minds and hearts. Sharing- It is amazing how sharing works. Your acts of giving always come back. Family & Kinship- As Inupiaq people we believe in knowing who we are and how we are related to one another. Respect for Elders- Our elders model our traditions and ways of being, providing a light of hope to younger generations. May we teach as our elders have taught us. Respect for Nature- Our creator gave us the gift of our surroundings. Those before us placed ultimate importance of respecting this magnificent gift for future generations.

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